Giant blob of minor changes
[dotfiles/.git] / .config / coc / extensions / node_modules / coc-html / package.json
1 {
2   "name": "coc-html",
3   "version": "1.3.2",
4   "description": "Html extension for coc",
5   "main": "lib/index.js",
6   "publisher": "chemzqm",
7   "engines": {
8     "coc": "^0.0.15"
9   },
10   "keywords": [
11     "coc.nvim",
12     "languageserver"
13   ],
14   "scripts": {
15     "clean": "rimraf lib",
16     "build": "webpack",
17     "prepare": "webpack"
18   },
19   "activationEvents": [
20     "onLanguage:html",
21     "onLanguage:htmldjango",
22     "onLanguage:handlebars",
23     "onLanguage:blade"
24   ],
25   "contributes": {
26     "configuration": {
27       "type": "object",
28       "title": "HTML",
29       "properties": {
30         "html.experimental.custom.tags": {
31           "type": "array",
32           "description": "A list of JSON file paths that define custom tags."
33         },
34         "html.experimental.custom.attributes": {
35           "type": "array",
36           "description": "A list of JSON file paths that define custom attributes."
37         },
38         "html.enable": {
39           "type": "boolean",
40           "default": true
41         },
42         "html.execArgv": {
43           "type": "array",
44           "default": [],
45           "items": {
46             "type": "string"
47           }
48         },
49         "html.trace.server": {
50           "type": "string",
51           "default": "off",
52           "enum": [
53             "off",
54             "messages",
55             "verbose"
56           ]
57         },
58         "html.filetypes": {
59           "type": "array",
60           "default": [
61             "html",
62             "handlebars",
63             "htmldjango",
64             "blade"
65           ],
66           "items": {
67             "type": "string"
68           }
69         },
70         "html.format.enable": {
71           "type": "boolean",
72           "scope": "window",
73           "default": true,
74           "description": "Enable/disable default HTML formatter"
75         },
76         "html.format.wrapLineLength": {
77           "type": "integer",
78           "scope": "resource",
79           "default": 120,
80           "description": "Maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable)."
81         },
82         "html.format.unformatted": {
83           "type": [
84             "string",
85             "null"
86           ],
87           "scope": "resource",
88           "default": "wbr",
89           "description": "List of tags, comma separated, that shouldn't be reformatted. 'null' defaults to all tags listed at"
90         },
91         "html.format.contentUnformatted": {
92           "type": [
93             "string",
94             "null"
95           ],
96           "scope": "resource",
97           "default": "pre,code,textarea",
98           "description": "List of tags, comma separated, where the content shouldn't be reformatted. 'null' defaults to the 'pre' tag."
99         },
100         "html.format.indentInnerHtml": {
101           "type": "boolean",
102           "scope": "resource",
103           "default": false
104         },
105         "html.format.preserveNewLines": {
106           "type": "boolean",
107           "scope": "resource",
108           "default": true
109         },
110         "html.format.maxPreserveNewLines": {
111           "type": [
112             "number",
113             "null"
114           ],
115           "scope": "resource",
116           "default": null,
117           "description": "List of tags, comma separated, that should have an extra newline before them. 'null'"
118         },
119         "html.format.indentHandlebars": {
120           "type": "boolean",
121           "scope": "resource",
122           "default": false
123         },
124         "html.format.endWithNewline": {
125           "type": "boolean",
126           "scope": "resource",
127           "default": false
128         },
129         "html.format.extraLiners": {
130           "type": [
131             "string",
132             "null"
133           ],
134           "scope": "resource",
135           "default": "head, body, /html",
136           "description": "List of tags, comma separated, that should have an extra newline before them."
137         },
138         "html.format.wrapAttributes": {
139           "type": "string",
140           "scope": "resource",
141           "default": "auto",
142           "enum": [
143             "auto",
144             "force",
145             "force-aligned",
146             "force-expand-multiline"
147           ]
148         },
149         "html.suggest.angular1": {
150           "type": "boolean",
151           "scope": "resource",
152           "default": true,
153           "description": "Configures if the built-in HTML language support suggests Angular V1 tags and properties."
154         },
155         "html.suggest.ionic": {
156           "type": "boolean",
157           "scope": "resource",
158           "default": true,
159           "description": "Configures if the built-in HTML language support suggests Ionic tags, properties and values."
160         },
161         "html.suggest.html5": {
162           "type": "boolean",
163           "scope": "resource",
164           "default": true,
165           "description": "Configures if the built-in HTML language support suggests HTML5 tags, properties and values."
166         },
167         "html.validate.scripts": {
168           "type": "boolean",
169           "scope": "resource",
170           "default": true,
171           "description": "Configures if the built-in HTML language support validates embedded scripts."
172         },
173         "html.validate.styles": {
174           "type": "boolean",
175           "scope": "resource",
176           "default": true,
177           "description": "Configures if the built-in HTML language support validates embedded styles."
178         },
179         "html.validate.html": {
180           "type": "boolean",
181           "scope": "resource",
182           "default": true,
183           "description": "Configures if the built-in HTML language support validates HTML."
184         },
185         "html.autoClosingTags": {
186           "type": "boolean",
187           "default": false,
188           "description": "Enable/disable autoClosing of HTML tags."
189         }
190       }
191     }
192   },
193   "author": "",
194   "license": "MIT",
195   "repository": {
196     "type": "git",
197     "url": "git+"
198   },
199   "devDependencies": {
200     "@types/node": "^12.19.0",
201     "coc.nvim": "^0.0.79-next.6",
202     "rimraf": "^3.0.2",
203     "ts-loader": "^8.0.7",
204     "vscode-css-languageservice": "^4.3.5",
205     "vscode-html-languageservice": "^3.1.4",
206     "vscode-languageserver": "7.0.0-next.3",
207     "vscode-languageserver-types": "3.15.1",
208     "vscode-uri": "^2.1.2",
209     "webpack": "^5.2.0",
210     "webpack-cli": "^4.1.0"
211   },
212   "dependencies": {
213     "typescript": "^4"
214   }
215 }