Giant blob of minor changes
[dotfiles/.git] / .config / coc / extensions / node_modules / coc-prettier / node_modules / is-arrayish / package.json
1 {
2   "_from": "is-arrayish@^0.2.1",
3   "_id": "is-arrayish@0.2.1",
4   "_inBundle": false,
5   "_integrity": "sha1-d8mYQFJ6qOyxqLppe4BkWnqSap0=",
6   "_location": "/is-arrayish",
7   "_phantomChildren": {},
8   "_requested": {
9     "type": "range",
10     "registry": true,
11     "raw": "is-arrayish@^0.2.1",
12     "name": "is-arrayish",
13     "escapedName": "is-arrayish",
14     "rawSpec": "^0.2.1",
15     "saveSpec": null,
16     "fetchSpec": "^0.2.1"
17   },
18   "_requiredBy": [
19     "/error-ex"
20   ],
21   "_resolved": "",
22   "_shasum": "77c99840527aa8ecb1a8ba697b80645a7a926a9d",
23   "_spec": "is-arrayish@^0.2.1",
24   "_where": "/tmp/nvimkGaq4E/coc-prettier-UL9jgR/node_modules/error-ex",
25   "author": {
26     "name": "Qix",
27     "url": ""
28   },
29   "bugs": {
30     "url": ""
31   },
32   "bundleDependencies": false,
33   "deprecated": false,
34   "description": "Determines if an object can be used as an array",
35   "devDependencies": {
36     "coffee-script": "^1.9.3",
37     "coveralls": "^2.11.2",
38     "istanbul": "^0.3.17",
39     "mocha": "^2.2.5",
40     "should": "^7.0.1",
41     "xo": "^0.6.1"
42   },
43   "homepage": "",
44   "keywords": [
45     "is",
46     "array",
47     "duck",
48     "type",
49     "arrayish",
50     "similar",
51     "proto",
52     "prototype",
53     "type"
54   ],
55   "license": "MIT",
56   "name": "is-arrayish",
57   "repository": {
58     "type": "git",
59     "url": "git+"
60   },
61   "scripts": {
62     "pretest": "xo",
63     "test": "mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register"
64   },
65   "version": "0.2.1"
66 }