Giant blob of minor changes
[dotfiles/.git] / .config / coc / extensions / node_modules / coc-prettier / package.json
1 {
2   "name": "coc-prettier",
3   "version": "1.1.20",
4   "description": "prettier extension for coc.nvim",
5   "main": "lib/index.js",
6   "publisher": "chemzqm",
7   "keywords": [
8     "coc.nvim",
9     "prettier"
10   ],
11   "engines": {
12     "coc": ">= 0.0.30"
13   },
14   "scripts": {
15     "watch": "webpack --watch",
16     "build": "tsc -p tsconfig.json",
17     "prepare": "webpack"
18   },
19   "activationEvents": [
20     "*"
21   ],
22   "contributes": {
23     "configuration": {
24       "type": "object",
25       "title": "Prettier - Code formatter configuration",
26       "properties": {
27         "prettier.formatterPriority": {
28           "type": "number",
29           "default": 1,
30           "description": "Priority of format provider, default to 1 that higher than other languageserver formatter, change to -1 to make it lower priority."
31         },
32         "prettier.disableLanguages": {
33           "type": "array",
34           "items": {
35             "type": "string"
36           },
37           "default": [
38             "vue"
39           ],
40           "description": "A list of languages IDs to disable this extension on",
41           "scope": "window"
42         },
43         "prettier.eslintIntegration": {
44           "type": "boolean",
45           "default": false,
46           "description": "Use 'prettier-eslint' instead of 'prettier'. Other settings will only be fallbacks in case they could not be inferred from eslint rules.",
47           "scope": "resource"
48         },
49         "prettier.tslintIntegration": {
50           "type": "boolean",
51           "default": false,
52           "description": "Use 'prettier-tslint' instead of 'prettier'. Other settings will only be fallbacks in case they could not be inferred from tslint rules.",
53           "scope": "resource"
54         },
55         "prettier.stylelintIntegration": {
56           "type": "boolean",
57           "default": false,
58           "description": "Use 'prettier-stylelint' instead of 'prettier'. Other settings will only be fallbacks in case they could not be inferred from stylelint rules.",
59           "scope": "resource"
60         },
61         "prettier.requireConfig": {
62           "type": "boolean",
63           "default": false,
64           "description": "Require a 'prettierconfig' to format",
65           "scope": "resource"
66         },
67         "prettier.onlyUseLocalVersion": {
68           "type": "boolean",
69           "default": false,
70           "description": "Only use the version of prettier installed by the client, ignoring the version bundled with coc-prettier",
71           "scope": "resource"
72         },
73         "prettier.disableSuccessMessage": {
74           "type": "boolean",
75           "default": false,
76           "description": "Disable the 'Formatted by prettier' message which is echoed every time a file is successfully formatted",
77           "scope": "resource"
78         },
79         "prettier.statusItemText": {
80           "type": "string",
81           "default": "Prettier",
82           "description": "Text shown in status item.",
83           "scope": "resource"
84         },
85         "prettier.ignorePath": {
86           "type": "string",
87           "default": ".prettierignore",
88           "description": "Path to a .prettierignore or similar file",
89           "scope": "resource"
90         },
91         "prettier.printWidth": {
92           "type": "integer",
93           "default": 80,
94           "description": "Fit code within this line limit",
95           "scope": "resource"
96         },
97         "prettier.tabWidth": {
98           "type": "integer",
99           "default": 2,
100           "description": "Number of spaces it should use per tab",
101           "scope": "resource"
102         },
103         "prettier.singleQuote": {
104           "type": "boolean",
105           "default": false,
106           "description": "If true, will use single instead of double quotes",
107           "scope": "resource"
108         },
109         "prettier.trailingComma": {
110           "type": "string",
111           "enum": [
112             "none",
113             "es5",
114             "all"
115           ],
116           "default": "es5",
117           "description": "Controls the printing of trailing commas wherever possible.\n Valid options:\n    'none' - No trailing commas\n    'es5' - Trailing commas where valid in ES5 (objects, arrays, etc)\n    'all' - Trailing commas wherever possible (function arguments)",
118           "scope": "resource"
119         },
120         "prettier.bracketSpacing": {
121           "type": "boolean",
122           "default": true,
123           "description": "Controls the printing of spaces inside object literals",
124           "scope": "resource"
125         },
126         "prettier.jsxBracketSameLine": {
127           "type": "boolean",
128           "default": false,
129           "description": "If true, puts the `>` of a multi-line jsx element at the end of the last line instead of being alone on the next line",
130           "scope": "resource"
131         },
132         "prettier.jsxSingleQuote": {
133           "type": "boolean",
134           "default": false,
135           "description": "Use single quotes instead of double quotes in JSX"
136         },
137         "prettier.htmlWhitespaceSensitivity": {
138           "type": "string",
139           "enum": [
140             "css",
141             "strict",
142             "ignore"
143           ],
144           "default": "css",
145           "description": "Specify the global whitespace sensitivity for HTML files.\n Valid options: \n'css' - Respect the default value of CSS display property. \n'strict' - Whitespaces are considered sensitive. \n'ignore' - Whitespaces are considered insensitive."
146         },
147         "prettier.endOfLine": {
148           "type": "string",
149           "enum": [
150             "auto",
151             "lf",
152             "crlf",
153             "cr"
154           ],
155           "default": "lf",
156           "description": "Specify the end of line used by prettier"
157         },
158         "prettier.parser": {
159           "type": "string",
160           "enum": [
161             "none",
162             "babel",
163             "babel-flow",
164             "babel-ts",
165             "flow",
166             "typescript"
167           ],
168           "default": "none",
169           "description": "Override the parser. You shouldn't have to change this setting.",
170           "scope": "resource"
171         },
172         "prettier.semi": {
173           "type": "boolean",
174           "default": true,
175           "description": "Whether to add a semicolon at the end of every line",
176           "scope": "resource"
177         },
178         "prettier.useTabs": {
179           "type": "boolean",
180           "default": false,
181           "description": "Indent lines with tabs",
182           "scope": "resource"
183         },
184         "prettier.proseWrap": {
185           "type": "string",
186           "enum": [
187             "preserve",
188             "always",
189             "never"
190           ],
191           "default": "preserve",
192           "description": "(Markdown) wrap prose over multiple lines"
193         },
194         "prettier.arrowParens": {
195           "type": "string",
196           "enum": [
197             "avoid",
198             "always"
199           ],
200           "default": "always",
201           "description": "Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter",
202           "scope": "resource"
203         }
204       }
205     },
206     "jsonValidation": [
207       {
208         "fileMatch": ".prettierrc",
209         "url": ""
210       },
211       {
212         "fileMatch": ".prettierrc.json",
213         "url": ""
214       },
215       {
216         "fileMatch": "package.json",
217         "url": "./package-json-schema.json"
218       }
219     ]
220   },
221   "author": "",
222   "license": "MIT",
223   "devDependencies": {
224     "@chemzqm/tsconfig": "^0.0.3",
225     "@types/node": "^14.14.5",
226     "@types/semver": "^7.3.4",
227     "coc.nvim": "^0.0.79",
228     "ignore": "^5.1.8",
229     "resolve-from": "^5.0.0",
230     "rimraf": "^3.0.2",
231     "semver": "^7.3.2",
232     "ts-loader": "^8.0.7",
233     "typescript": "^4.0.5",
234     "vscode-languageserver-protocol": "^3.15.3",
235     "webpack": "^5.2.0",
236     "webpack-cli": "^4.1.0"
237   },
238   "dependencies": {
239     "core-js": "^3.6.5",
240     "prettier": "^2.1.2",
241     "prettier-eslint": "^11.0.0",
242     "prettier-stylelint": "^0.4.2",
243     "prettier-tslint": "^0.4.2"
244   }
245 }